Mercy Chikhosi Kafotokoza
Mercy Chikhosi Kafotokoza’s passion for preventive care and disease prevention prompted her to start Wandikweza, a community-led organization determined to improve access to health care in remote areas. Wandikweza’s community-based model has helped to redefine what’s possible in health care delivery in remote settings, proving that diseases that stalk the underserved populations can be effectively treated. She now serves as executive director.
Prior to that, Mercy used her skills and expertise in nursing and public health to develop and implement country-wide programs for the Methodist Church. As conference health coordinator, she created community-based health care strategies focusing on nutrition, water and sanitation, malaria control, and early childhood development.
Mercy’s insightful methods identify innovative, culturally acceptable, and affordable means to improve the health of the people of Malawi. Her ability to develop and launch new programs has earned her the respect and admiration of all who work with her. Understanding the value of collaboration, Mercy has extensively utilized indigenous community health workers in supporting Wandikweza’s programs and in developing solutions through public and private partnerships.
Mercy has 11 years working in remote areas. She holds a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Africa University and a master of health from Walden University.