Jackie Bomboma
Jackie Bomboma is a fighter. As a survivor of teenage pregnancy who faced various life challenges as a young woman, she has used motherhood to fuel a burning passion for helping those who have had similar experiences. With seven years of experience in social work, Jackie has made her dream a reality as founder and CEO of Young Strong Mothers Foundation (YSMF), an NGO based in Morogoro, Tanzania. Holding a certificate in community development with leadership skills gained from fellowship programs, she applies her knowledge towards advancing girls’ education, vocational skills and personal development. Her work contributes towards Sustainable Development Goals 1-5, 8, and 10.
Since its creation in 2015, YSMF has supported over 5,000 young mothers and rescued another 5,000 adolescent girls from teenage pregnancy, forced marriage, and dropping out of school. Jackie’s mission is to create an environment where vulnerable young women and adolescent girls can receive guidance and assistance to achieve the dreams that circumstances took from them. Jackie believes that we all have a story to share and, sometimes, pasts that are hard to bear. Telling these stories without shame or guilt can influence the world and bring change; Jackie has, and will continue to, staunchly advocate for the inclusion of adolescent girls and young mothers in African society who are at risk of being left behind.