Lwidiko's portrait

Lwidiko Mhamilawa

Dr. Lwidiko Mhamilawa, MD PhD, is a medical academic specialized in malaria science who trained in Tanzania and Sweden. With firsthand experience of both educational systems, he sees the potential for improvement in how STEM — science, technology, engineering, mathematics — is taught. ProjeKt Inspire applies project-based integrated learning for both primary and secondary school-aged children, aiming to provide proof of concept for the incorporation of this approach into the current Tanzanian education system. Lwidiko has led the launch of the two biggest science centers in Tanzania, the first of their kind, as a way to equip and inspire the young generation into STEM fields and foster innovation and development in the country; the dream is to build a ‘Disneyland for science’ in Africa. His work thus far has earned him a Next Einstein Forum Ambassador appointment, and the Point of Light Award from Queen Elizabeth.